Reaching for the Stars is an intergalactic voyage into the cosmos of art, a long, complex journey through key phenomena and figures of our time: the shining beacons that point us the way. Appropriately enough, a star is also the symbol of the collection assembled by Patrizia Sandretto Re Rebaudengo. This exhibition pays homage to its thirty-year history, from the first works acquired in the roaring London of the 1990s, up to the most recent ones commissioned from emerging artists of the 2020s.
Palazzo Strozzi, with its centuries-old connection to art patronage and collecting, is unquestionably the ideal place to celebrate this major anniversary. Even in fifteenth-century Florence, people sought answers to their questions in the infinite depths of space, pondering the influence of the “fixed” and “wandering” stars on human life: Filippo Strozzi himself consulted the heavens before embarking on the construction of his imposing palazzo. Embracing the Ancient Roman theory that Mercury influenced artistic creativity, Florentine engraver Baccio Baldini’s Seven Planets series (circa 1460) shows the Children of Mercury hard at work painting, sculpting, chiseling, composing music, philosophizing, and pursuing the sciences, astronomy, astrology, and mathematics: a range of activities, research, and interests that seems perfectly in keeping with the multidisciplinary approach of this many-faceted exhibition. According to De triplici vita (1489) by Neoplatonic philosopher Marsilio Ficino, artists were instead “born under Saturn,” and he described them as moody, rebellious, lustful, eccentric,and above all “melancholic”: a characterization that would be echoed centuries later by the modern myth of the artiste maudit.
40,00 €